Meet Your Dog Review And Testing Process

When it comes to your dog, you only want what’s best. We understand the love you have for your furry best friend because we are also dog owners. The Meet Your Dog team is comprised of dog owners who promise to love your dogs just as much as we love ours.

When it comes to products, we only choose and review products we think are worth testing. Whether it is diet food for your pudgy pup, treats, toys for heavy chewers, or outdoor doggy gear, you can rest assured that we only want whats best for your pup.

For transparency, we may receive a commission on some affiliate products we will be reviewing. But, our main goal is to provide you with honest, tried-and-true information and facts so you can make the best choice for you and your furry best friend and family member.

How We Test Dog Products

Before testing, we first find products that are worth testing. We explore a wide range of categories to introduce dog owners to helpful products that also give them the biggest bang for their buck.

Some categories we explore daily are:

  • Dog food and treats
  • Dog accessories and outdoor gear
  • Leashes and collars
  • Grooming gear
  • Cleaning products for messes
  • Doggy bags and travel gear

Once we know what category we want to explore further, we search for the top products in that group.

Finding those top products can be difficult, but we start by looking at popular dog product companies. We also look at reviews directly from dog lovers to see what they are raving about.

We do put user reviews through our skepticism microscope to ensure they are not phony reviews.

Once we find the top products to review, we put them to the test. We use our own dogs and personal experiences and gather advice from dog trainers, vets, dog walkers, and other relevant sources.

Meet Your Dog then goes above and beyond by covering all the bases. We test products on dogs of all sizes, ages, activity levels, and even coat thicknesses and temperaments to give dog owners all possible information they need to make the best choice.

Testing That Can Be Repeated

Because repetitive tests provide the confidence that a product is working, or not working, as it should, we only test using methods that can be observed over and over.

We then rate products in various categories that we feel is important to all dog owners.

Depending on the products we are testing, the categories are subject to change but are all generally rated by:

  • Affordability
  • How well they perform their designed task
  • Comfort level or ease for the dog and owner to use
  • Quality of the product
  • Sizing on dogs of different breeds (or dogs in a specific weight limit)

Once testing is complete, we review all of our research to decide the best overall product that can be used by most dog owners, regardless of breed. We also determine which products are better suited for specific uses, certain dogs, or other categories deemed relevant.

Our Opinions On Products

We will always give you the good and the bed. We will provide our positive opinions as well as exactly what we didn’t like.

Was the product easy to use on our dogs? Did it work as we expected or as advertised? Were our dogs comfortable, happy, or entertained with the product? Did the product contain ingredients that benefited our dogs? Did we see any promising results?

We aim to test products and share our detailed experiences so you can feel confident when choosing the best product for you and your pooch while avoiding the ones that won’t work.

Putting Dog Products To The Test At Home

When testing, we use products as intended and in environments they are designed to be in.

We test products on our furry friends, and if we don’t have a certain dog available that a product caters to, we will make sure to find one utilizing our volunteers.

We walk our dogs in all (safe) elements – wind, snow, sun, rain. We test out toys on our toughest chewers. And we bathe our dirtiest dogs right at home. Our goal is to make our testing environment as realistic and similar to what yours will be.

In terms of our testing time ranges – we prefer to test products for at least a couple of weeks before we make final decisions.

Why Put Your Confidence In Us?

We may receive a commission on the products we review, but we will never offer dodgy information just to make a few bucks.

We are dog-crazy people with pups of our own and we will treat your dog with the same love and care we treat our own with.

Not every product we test will be recommended to you. The top products you see will only be the ones we found were worth sharing with you. 

To gain more of your trust, at the end of each review, we include the products that didn’t make the list of our top picks so you can see why we chose other products over them. 

Ultimately, the final decision is up to you. But, we also want it to be an easy decision and an informed one!

We put in the hard work, reach the mountain top of product success, and go through crash-and-burn dog product failures so you don’t have to. 

Through the course of our testing process, you can be confident that you are getting quality products that will benefit your dog and you as a dog owner.

We will never recommend a product we don’t think is worth anything. With that being said, if, later on, we see a decline in the quality of products we recommended in the past, we will test it again and replace it with a more up-to-date product.